All The Suffering In Your Middle Class World Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

Location: Sacramento, California, United States

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Merry Jesus loving chicken.

Sorry, Jesus Fucking A Chicken followers, but I have my standards. I will not title a post that talks poorly about a very important food, chicken.

Nor will I speak badly about the pig, lamb, fish, beans, or grain.

Merry Happy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Support the war.

Pay your taxes.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Wayner 107

Your assignment:

Be an elected leader.

It’s abstract, but not so much.

When you’re in power, declining a clemency for Tookie is an easy thing to do. He has, afterall, been found to have killed others to advance himself, or for the purpose of revenge, and so, I say an eye for an eye. Say I!
But what happens when we advance this logic to a new definition of “an eye for an eye.” What if one day the Retards make abortion a felony murder crime? Could not some other retard then, at the very least, argue that a manslaughter charge should be leveled against any women who miscarriages?

Also, watch the same news broadcast of the same story at the same time of day on all available channels, and note the differences. There are some. Do it for three nights. Use your technology.

Extra credit: Set your TV to ‘scan mode’ and note how many times the word terrorist, murdered, officers, frightened, or even words that stick out for you, come up. Record and save them. Later we'll make a fun puzzle with them.