In this section, everyone gets to enter a name of a person who they would like God to take away. Please just submit your comments accordingly. We do not want any human to kill or harm, in any way, physically or otherwise, another human. We want God to smite these people a supernatural blow. Be it in their sleep, an accident with lightning, a freak bear attack, a fallen tree limb, or whatever, the main thing is we want their natural death, and we want it to be an act of God. I am not the first to propose this idea. I take my leadership on this issue, and issues of pornography and free speech, from Larry Flint. He may not have been the first to ask theist to pray to their gods for the natural death of another human, but he’s the one I remember. Hmmm, I wonder why him.
Anyway, my choice for God’s natural killing (and I repeat, I do not want any other human to kill, or plot a killing, or have anything to do with another’s death, or harm to him/her or his/hers family, or anyone in anyway) is Dr. James Dobson from Focus of the Family. He’s the antithesis of Michael Newdow. Let god take him to the Kingdom of Glory prematurely.